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Code Academy
Learn computer programming: Javascript, HTML, CSS, Python, Ruby, JQuery, and more! So simple, even parents can use it!
Learn how to do simple programming in an hour of code! Don't forget to click "show code" to see the real code behind your commands.
Khan Academy
Lots of videos and activities explaining things at a mostly high level--good to do with a grown-up. Fourth and fifth graders can log in with your Google accounts to use the practice section.
Learn Scratch
The official Scratch website will help you learn Scratch, but this site has video lessons, too.
Make-zine for Kids
Build rockets and robots and more! Share this one with your grown-ups.
A simple block-based programming language for making animations and games, free and safe to download from MIT.
Tinker Lab
Creative experiments for curious minds---Share this one with your grown-ups!
More fun beginning programming!
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